關於 About:
Expertise: Health Promotion Management, Clinical Data Analysis
論文發表 Publications:
Association between Emotional Eating and Frequency of Unhealthy Food Consumption among Taiwanese Adolescents
Bui Chung, Li-Yin Lin, Chih-Yi Wu, Ya-Wen Chiu, and Hung-Yi Chiou (2021), Nutrients 13, no. 8: 2739
High HIV Prevalanve and reduced sharing needles and syringes among people who inject drugs in Quang Ninh in 2012
Bui Kim Chung, Duong Cong Thanh, Le Thi Hoa, Ngo Van Khanh (2016), Viet Nam Jounal of Preventive Medicine; XXVI, No.9 (182), p.86; HaNoi
Association between unhealthy behaviors and mental health among adolescents in Taiwan
Bui Kim Chung (2022), Taipei Medical University, Ph.D Dissertation
Forecasting of HIV/AIDS cases, estimating need of ARV, PMTCT treatment in Quang Ninh, period 2015-2020
Bui Kim Chung (2015), HaNoi University of Public Health; HaNoi, M.D Thesis
Situation of using Internet for search studying materials in two groups: first year students and last year students at HaNoi Medical University, period 2008-2009
Bui Kim Chung (2009), HaNoi Medical University; HaNoi, Master Thesis